Volunteer Information

The West Highland Way Race has a great reputation for the support runners receive before, during, and after the race.

To put the race on successfully each year requires a small army of volunteers.

The volunteer team is put together by Helen and John Munro. You can get in touch at whwcrew@gmail.com

Volunteer Registration

Volunteer registration for 2023 will open in January 2023 once all places in the race have been allocated.

Volunteering can be a good way to be involved and gain experience of the race.

Each year we have a good mix of old hands and new helpers.

Some of the general volunteer jobs include

  • Friday runner registration
  • Social media support
  • Checkpoint duties
  • Finish line support
  • Sweep team/Race Safety

We will also be looking for volunteers with medical and/or first aid experience to help the race medical team at each of the checkpoints.

Volunteer timetable

The outline timetable for volunteers is set out below

  • Jan volunteer registration opens
  • Feb checkpoint leads confirmed
  • Mar/Apr re-confirm availability of volunteers
  • Apr Allocate volunteers to roles
  • Apr Begin finding crews for overseas runners
  • May confirm volunteer roles
  • June crew briefing distributed

Crew Exchange

We also sometimes need volunteers to step in and crew for overseas runners who may have difficulty bringing a crew to Scotland.

While it is each runner’s responsibility to find their own crew, the race organisation will try to help overseas runners in need of a crew, with volunteers willing to support a runner.

This process usually starts after Easter and we usually manage to find crew for all runners.